Guest Blog: The Secret to Paying for College Without Loans

by Susan Good, of

The prospect of taking out student loans is daunting. Not only are they expensive, but they can carry a lot of interest and put you in debt for many years after graduation. But did you know there are several ways to pay for college without resorting to loans?


Enrolling in an Online Degree Program

One option is to enroll at an accredited online university. These days, there are more online programs available than ever, and you can even find programs that offer industry certification exams (which are ideal for people interested in IT or related fields). Such programs can help you gain valuable job skills while earning credits toward your degree.


Online college is typically more affordable than conventional college, and since a degree with IT certificate programswill improve your career prospects, you may land a job where the employer reimburses you for the cost of your tuition and exams!


Looking for Work-Study Jobs

Work-study jobs are typically offered by universities and allow students to gain real-world experience in their chosen field while earning money toward their tuition fees at the same time. These jobs tend to be competitive, so it’s best to start applying early! And you want to ensure you have a top-notch resume to improve your chances of getting the job.


You can use a resume builder for free to design a premade template with your own copy, colors, and other elements. Having a professional-looking resume and regularly updating it will also prove valuable when applying for better jobs later in your career.


If getting a work-study job is not feasible (or if you’re simply not interested), look for a part-time job with flexible hours. It’s essential that you can work around your class schedule and have enough time left over for studying and other extracurricular activities.


Get to know some of the businesses near your school, and find out if any of them are hiring students. Most restaurants, cafes, bookstores, and other establishments in college towns are used to providing flexible schedules.


Applying for Grants and Scholarships

Finally, most colleges and universities offer various grants and scholarships to prospective and current students. And there are many organizations that provide financial aid, so it’s essential to research all your options as you seek to save on your educational costs.


It’s also worth checking out the resources available in or near your community and exploring online platforms that can help you identify scholarships tailored to your background and interests.



Paying your way through college doesn’t have to overwhelm you. There are many options available that don’t involve taking out exorbitant student loans! Consider entering an online degree program with certification exams or applying for work-study jobs. Along the way, apply for as many grants and scholarships as possible.


All these steps will take time, but they’ll prove well worth the effort when they keep your borrowing costs down. Besides, you’ll have more confidence in your financial security down the road!


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Susan Good recently retired from teaching after 38 years. And although she misses engaging with students, especially the satisfaction they feel when a concept finally clicks, she gets fulfillment these days from continuing to teach through her website. At Retired Educator, she shares lessons and resources on reading and writing for students, young and old.